Friday, April 11, 2008


Land, Water, Language & Culture are 4 things that defines every individual. Go to any human being on earth and attack any of the 4 things he retaliates. Its exactly the same situation that is happening to Karnataka & Tamil Nadu. Both states are very possessive about these 4 dimensions. What happens when any one of them is attacked by either of the states. Its mayhem, with every political party out to get some cheap mileage out of this. The amateurs are getting maximum mileage out of this issue. The question is why??? That is because directly or indirectly your identity is based on these four dimensions. Losing any small part of any one of these dimensions will get a really violent side of yours out. When we go somewhere they ask where are you from? Our identity is based on land here. Once we start talking about this we tell them that we are from such and such a place which has this language this creates our identity. So in other words our identity is being attacked, when this happens nobody would want to be quiet and they fight back. These are touche issues I dont understand why the politicians use them for their gain.......

1 comment:

The Happy-hungry Wanderer said...

Nice one Venki! Land, water, language, culture YOU BET! Guess the change will come by the day people realise this:-- In simple terms when people using a same indian brand realize they are driving a Maruti Car and not a KA, TN or a MH registered vehicle. Registrations change but the engine dat drives it is the same :)